
A Year in the US of A

A year ago today, I had the cranky immigration officer stamp my E3 visa and hand me my filled out i94 form.
I had officially arrived in NYC.

Thank you to my husband, who loved me enough to agree to move our family to the other side of the world where we knew no-one.

What a year.

Highlights include:
Mum visiting, Dad visiting, sister, brother and best friend visiting.
Travel to Niagara Falls, Cape Cod, Washington, Los Angeles – ESPYs, MTV Movie Awards, Chicago for Hotel Thrillist, Niagara Falls.
Shopping, spring in the city, fleet week, Halloween, dinners, brunch next to Marky Mark, new friends….



Fleet week…

Spring in Central Park


MTV Movie Awards (LA)

My first Superbowl Sunday (GO THE GIANTS)


Niagara Falls

My sis!

Times Square

And most recently, a hurricane, a snow storm, our first thanksgiving and Black Friday/Cyber Monday shopping madness (more to come on that!!).

Can’t wait to see what the next twelve months has in store…

|Ev xo

Glamour’s Women Of The Year

Last night was the 22nd Glamor’s Women Of The Year Awards, held at Carnegie Hall.
There are only a handful of other times in my life that have left such a strong impression on me.

This amazing 2hr celebration of outstanding women was (at a huge understatement) an emotional rollercoaster.
I was thrilled, excited, amazed, inspired, horrified and devastated.

The stories that were shared moved me no end.
They were as diverse as they were inspiring.
Athletes, architects, pop stars and fashion folk. Not going to lie, just being in the same room as Anna Wintour  made me stop breathing momentarily. SUCH A FAN.

Beautiful women graced the stage with remarkable tales. Tales of perseverance, heroism and more guts than I can even fathom.
Selena Gomez (youngest US UNICEF Ambassador ever), Annie Leibovitz (no one takes a photo like her – question though, who photographs her? Pressure much…), Zaha Hadid (affectionately known as the Gaga of architecture), Jenna Lyons (Creative Director of J.Crew) just to name a few.

Waterproof mascara was definitely needed throughout the courageous stories of triumph in horrifying circumstances.

Erin Merryn who refused to stay quiet and accept sexual abuse, and then not only save herself and her sister but start a crusade to change American legislation and ensure that children are taught that child abuse is not ok, and to speak up.
Having two girls of my own, this is close to my heart and scares the living daylights out of me. I admire Erin so much for doing everything in her power to protect children from going through the horror she had to endure.

Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy who is helping women suffering from acid attacks in places of the world where a woman has no rights. Giving them support, and a voice. A voice to be heard, when they are being told to stay silent. Her Oscar winning documentary Saving Face, tells the story of such brutal torture.

More information of these incredible women, and how to contribute to the fund at Glamour.

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A star studded event with an inspirational message to all women.
Go grab your heels and get your dreams or change the world, one person at a time.

|Ev xo

The Standard was anything but!

The Standard NYC is certainly anything but.
I mean look – if it’s good enough for Brad and Ange (who have partied there) then it’s good enough for me 🙂

From the outset, when you step out of your yellow taxi onto the charming Meatpacking District cobblestone street, you are hit with the amazing smell coming from the grill.
Then luxury engulfs you as enter the hotel foyer. From the dimly light sleek looking foyer – to the elevators video installation by Marco Brambilla, you know you are in for a treat and this is going to be one of those quintessential NYC experiences.
This was the setting for Lucky Magazines “Ultimate Style Guide” celebration, suiting venue indeed.

With the amazing TRESemmé stylists Tyler & Jeanie on hand to add hair glamour to a room overflowing with it, it was time to talk style.
From a short pink sequinned dress I spotted (possibly my favourite of the night), braided hair creations that would take me a week to complete, shoe and handbags to drool over, and delicious treats of both the food and beverage variety. I may have eaten more than one lobster roll and enjoyed a vodka cocktail (maybe two!)

My outfit?
Armani Exchange dress, black tights, a decorative feather headband and black Christian Louboutin Decollete pumps to complete the look.

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Until the next time.

|Ev xo

Oh what a (NYC) night…

As a mommy and a lover of nightlife, I’d like to set up for you the dichotomy that is my Thursday night.
Rushing from a school PTA meeting (my daughter started big girls school last week. SO CUTE) to a big outdoor party in the city.

Running incredibly late so no real time for outfit change.
The outfit – my new favourite skinny leg AG Jeans – a cute red top – and finished off with the matching red  & silver Christian Louboutin (FoxTrot Slingback) heels.

A quick refresh of the make up – and a bold red lip. Off we go….

It was a great party, with the beautiful backdrop of St. Bartholomew’s cathedral.
The bar is Inside Park at St Bart’s – on Park Ave next to the Waldorf Astoria – BEAUTIFUL!!
The crowd was enjoying the remaining evenings in NY where you can still be outdoors comfortably.

There was music, there was lighting, there was food and there was drink…
Then there was a frenzy of excitement.

I was trying to understand what was going on, as this apparent excitement was being caused by a young kid that looked about twelve.
Who is he?? (I had no idea) Why are all the girls carrying on?

I have since been brought up to speed on the latest in British pop music, and am told he is the new Justin Bieber.
Ladies and gents, the twelve year old was Conor Manyard.
With me never being one to shy away from a photo, and wanting to add to your reading pleasure, i forced myself to take a happy snap…

Just another night in NYC – looking forward to the next one!

|Ev xo